Indoor air pollution is a growing threat. Scientists have linked it to everything from increased asthma rates to cancer growth and premature aging. Fortunately, there are ways you can limit its effects on your health. Unfortunately, mold is another common indoor pollutant that can affect your health in positive ways. But do you know what it is, where it lives, and how it affects you? Let’s explore.

What is indoor air pollution?
In order to fully understand indoor air pollution, one must first understand the difference between outdoor and indoor air pollution. Outdoor air pollution occurs when carbon monoxide and other pollutants created by burning fuels or wood in our cars and chimneys get let inside by the windows and doors of our homes. Indoor air pollution, on the other hand, occurs when these same pollutants build up in the air inside our homes. There are a few main pollutants that cause indoor air pollution, including mold, bacteria, and dust.
How indoor air pollution is bad for you
Indoor air pollution is bad for your health in several ways. Some of the negative health side effects of indoor air pollution are increased asthma rates, increased cancer rates, and increased levels of toxic heavy metals such as lead and zinc. These pollutants can get in your blood and kidneys, and then get passed on to your kids and grandkids when you’re no longer able to cleanse your system. Mold can also affect your health by producing toxic chemicals that can get into your system through your skin. Unfortunately, it may take years for you to show any signs of having been polluted. In some cases, it can take decades. Mold is commonly found in damp environments, like attics, crawl spaces, and basements. This is because the air in these areas is often moist, which means it’s not as dry and healthy as the air in other parts of the house.
What causes indoor air pollution?
As mentioned above, indoor air pollution is caused by a few main pollutants. One of these is mold. Mold can grow anywhere, but is most common in damp areas with high humidity, such as forgotten buildings, damp attics, and crawl spaces. Bacteria also cause indoor air pollution, which is why it’s important to keep your house’s air purifier clean.
How mold affects your health
Like most things in life, mold affects health in different ways for different people. For some people, it will affect their health in a positive way. Others may experience negative health effects after just a few months of exposure. The most common symptoms of mold exposure are headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, and a rash. Other health effects can also be experienced. For example, a study of pregnant women found that higher levels of mold were associated with decreased birth rates. Mold also affects your mental health. Some people become depressed when exposed to mold. Other people develop a sensitivity to it.
How you can reduce the effects of indoor air pollution
There are ways you can reduce the effects of indoor air pollution, but you must do your research first. You cannot rely on rumors or hearsay. You must know the facts. Make an informed decision based on science. Pollution Mold is behind a rash of skin rashes that have been sweeping the country. Although there are a few reasons for these rashes, the main one is mold. People with breathing conditions such as asthma and chronic bronchitis should avoid mold, as it triggers an asthma response. After living in an environment with mold for a short period of time, people with healthy immune systems may also react negatively and develop a mold allergy. If you have a reaction to mold, you must clean the air in your house. This can be done by using a humidifier to help dry the air, or by using a dehumidifier to help keep moisture levels low. Make sure to keep your Exist air purifier clean. This can be done by using a cleaning routine, such as cleaning the filter daily, or by using a dehumidifier on a daily basis to reduce moisture in the air.
Intermediate moldering, humid, and damp indoor air is a proven pathogen. As one expert states, “You cannot avoid the bad air in your house.” Unfortunately, you can find out about indoor air pollution and the dangers of mold in your own home. By cleaning the air in your house, you can protect yourself from the side effects of indoor air pollution. Call your local mold assessor or indoor air quality specialist to further assess the indoor air quality.

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