All homes have varying temperatures, humidity, and airflow throughout the day. This can make it challenging to maintain a steady temperature within your home and prevent condensation from forming. When you have less airflow, the moisture in the air will condense on the inside surfaces of your ductwork. When the moisture drips onto your floor or walls, you will see signs of this as wet spots or what is known as damp risk. If you want to improve airflow within your HVAC system, check out our article below for some simple tips! These small changes can go a long way towards increasing airflow through your HVAC system, preventing condensation and helping you save money on energy costs too!

Install a de-humidifier
Adding a de-humidifier to your duct system will prevent moisture from entering your HVAC Ducts. If you have a de-humidifier installed, then the air leaving your furnace will be drier than when it enters your ducts. Ducts are usually damp due to condensation which can cause mold, odor and damage to your flooring. Installing a de-humidifier will allow your furnace to work at its maximum efficiency, preventing energy waste and extending the life of your furnace. If you are unsure if your ductwork needs a de-humidifier, you can check the ductwork with a duct tape light to see if there is any visible condensation. A dehumidifier is not a permanent solution, but rather a preventative one, so it will only be necessary if you notice visible damp patches on your walls or floors.
Add an exhaust fan to your ductwork
An exhaust fan is perfect for increased airflow through your HVAC system during the summer. It will force hot air out of your home, drawing in cooler air from outside. An exhaust fan should be installed in each room that does not have a window. It should be placed at least 30 inches away from any walls and placed in a direct airflow path. Exhaust fans should be wired to a switch that is easy to reach and turn on when needed. Exhaust fans can be used to ventilate attics and low areas of your home like basements and crawl spaces too.
Check the supply register for leaks
To check the supply register for leaks, you will need a register or register. In the register, add a small amount of food coloring or dyes. Now turn on your furnace and see where the condensation is coming from. The supply register should not show any signs of condensation. If it does, then there is a leak in your HVAC system. Depending on the extent of the leak, you may have to replace your furnace altogether or just replace the register.
Add insulation
Adding insulation to the attic of your home is one of the best ways to increase the airflow within your HVAC Ducts. Insulation acts like a sponge, retaining the warmth within your home and allowing the air to escape more easily. Insulation can be installed in the attic but is most effective when it is installed in continuous batt or ridge-ventilated batt. The best thing about adding insulation to your HVAC system is that it can also be added to existing homes.
Check the return register for leaks
The return register is the place where your furnace draws in air. It is the last place where a leak would be seen. If there is condensation on the inside of your return register, then there must be a leak in your HVAC system. To check if this is the case, turn on your furnace and see if the condensation evaporates. If it does, then there is a leak somewhere in your system.
Change your HVAC filter
According to the Heating and Air Conditioning Association (HAA), filters should be replaced every month. Not only do filters clean your air, but they are also important in preventing leaks in the HVAC system. A clogged filter can cause your system to release excess moisture into your ducts. A wet duct will result in both a damaged system and increased energy costs. A change out of your HVAC filter can be done by removing it from the furnace and sealing it with duct tape. Tape the filter to the side so that it does not fall into the furnace.
If you would like to improve airflow in your home during the summer, adding a dehumidifier to your system is a great place to start. This will reduce the amount of condensation that forms during the warmer months, preventing mold and dampness from forming. Make sure to turn off your HVAC when not in use and make sure no debris is blocking the fans. If there is a large amount of dust, you should clean your ducts with a high-quality vacuum. You should also consider replacing an old filter with a new filter to ensure the filter is clean and working efficiently. Hope you enjoyed these tips on how to increase the airflow within your HVAC ducts! This will help prevent condensation and improve your home’s air quality, preventing damage to your HVAC system.

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